Füchschen Altbier price list.
All prices listed are for pick up at our brewery.
30 l- 88.50 € + 50 € deposit
20 l- 59.00 € + 50 € deposit
10 l- 29.50 € + 50 € deposit
5 l Füchschen Altbier or Füchschen Pils party kegs- 17.50 €. No Deposit!

Bottles Alt
0.33 l Fuechschen Alt can – 1.70 € + 0.25 € deposit
0.33 l Fuechschen Alt six pack – 7.10 € + 0.48 € deposit
Case of 20 x 0,33 l gourmet bootle – 23,30 € + 12,00 € deposit
0.5 l Fuechschen Altbier Pop-top bottles – 2.00 € + 0.60 € deposit.
Case of 16 0.5 l Pop-top bottles – 24.90 € + 16.10 € deposit
Bottles Pils
0.33 l Fuechschen Pils Six Pack – 7,10 € + 0,48 € deposit
Füchschen Altbier non-alcoholic 0.33 liter bottles- 1.60 € + 0.25 € deposit
Füchschen Altbier non-alcoholic 0.33 liter six pack bottles- 7.10 € + 0.48 € deposit
Füchschen Altbier non-alcoholic 0.33 liter six pack bottles- 7.10 € + 0.48 € deposit

Bottles In-house Organic
In-house Organic rhubarb spritzer (DE-ÖKO-001) 0.33 l bottles + Organic Citrus Lemonade (DE-ÖKO-001) 0.33 l bottles – 1.70 € + 0.08 € deposit.
Crate of 8 0.33 l bottles- 13.60 € + 6.20 € deposit